Lynsey Addario Book Report
It's What I Do by Lynsey Addario "I'm sure there are other versions of happiness, but this is mine." This quote from Lynsey Addario's book It's What I Do is the motto fro every journalist. The passion in spreading news and stories to others is what it is all about. There is no sense in doing something that doesn't bring you absolute joy and happiness, and journalism is something that many find that in. It's What I Do is an autobiography that gives the story of a journalist going through life threatening situations with the passion for photojournalism keeping her going. Addario is a very talented photographer is who very skilled in capturing the emotion and story in her pictures. She uses the techniques of making her subjects comfortable to get her photos just right, something that some photographers think is a waste of time. She knows that by making the subjects comfortable around the camera and around her makes the pictures come out more smoothly ...