Life Continues in Fred Meyer


At Fred Meyer, many people are getting their groceries and doing some shopping. Although this is a very normal activity that everyone does, due to Covid-19 there are restrictions and limitations. Everyone has to wear a mask and stay 6 feet apart.

Thomas Williams is an employee at Fred Meyer. He works in the pick up department, meaning he picks items and brings them out to customers who order online. His job is one of the most important in the store at a time like this. Many people who order through the pick up are unable to go inside public places now, due to Corona.

This sign is displayed in the bathroom hallway, reminding everyone to keep distance and stay safe. Yet another way life continuing but changing at the same time. There is an employee at the door with hand sanitizer and free masks who keep track of the amount of people coming in the store. This way, they can be sure that everyone is keeping the social distance rule.


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